Pulsed Valve Controller
Our bench controllers are specifically designed to control the piezo and solenoid-based valves. The controller includes a trigger input, with variable rate and pulse width to determine the frequency and density of the target gas in vacuum. The controller is compatible with common programming languages for the option of user designed interfaces.
Power Supply for Ion Optics
Ultra-stable, high-precision, reverse polarity bench power supplies, designed for ultimate operation of the Velocitas VMI Ion Optics. The units include multiple modules, depending on your requirements, with maximum operating voltages up to tens of kV (positive or negative). The supply is compatible with common programming languages for the option of user designed interfaces.
Power Supply for Vacuum Imaging Detector
Our bench power supply is specifically designed for Vacuum Imaging Detectors with one or two MCPs. Independent voltages are supplied to MCPs and Phosphor Anode, with features such as tracking for optimum control over detector gain and signal intensity. The supply is compatible with common programming languages for the option of user designed interfaces.
MCP Gate Module
Our MCP Gate Module enables gating of the MCP in a Vacuum Imaging Detector, allowing for mass selection, time resolved investigations and dc slicing in velocity map imaging and spectroscopy experiments. An input trigger brings the MCP from almost no gain to full operation for a user-defined time window from 8 ns up to a few microseconds. Find out more >
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Velocitas VMI –
Associated electronics
To complete the Velocitas VMI Spectrometer, we offer:
Ion Optics Power Supply
Vacuum Imaging Detector Power Supply
Pulsed Valve Controller
Turbomolecular Pumps and Controllers
Vacuum Pressure Gauges and Controls
Signal Delay Generator
High Resolution Time-to-Digital Converter
Optional Cooling Accessories
MCP Gate Module
We have in house expertise to design and manufacture many of the electronics and accessories associated with the Velocitas VMI Spectrometer. If we work with external suppliers, they are leading manufacturers in their fields.